feature story Chevron Brasil amplifies social project in education area in São João da Barra

Chevron Brasil amplified its social project “Transforming the Present, Designing the Future” (TPPF), developed at public schools from São João da Barra, Rio de Janeiro state. The project which is in its fifth edition this year will serve all 9th grade elementary school classes in the 12 schools in the municipality. In total, 350 young students are expected to benefit from the initiative.

“This is a project in which we are very fond and proud to participate. The program renewal is a proof of our commitment to the municipality progress and also of our trust in the partners who play this project so well”, said Charles Guerra, Chevron Policy & Governmental Affairs Coordinator.

One of the three focus areas of Chevron Brasil’s social investment program – education, economic development, and health –, the TPPF aims to reduce the high school dropout and improve the São João da Barra education performance. Since 2018, when project started, 513 students were benefited from the initiative which has the Instituto Aliança and Education Secretariat of São João da Barra as partners.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the last two years, the project methodology was adapted to ensure the continuity of the classes, starting to adopt the virtual model. For 2022, with the levels of transmission and hospitalizations by the virus falling in the country and the virtual model success, TPPF will have two forms: face-cleanup-to-face-cleanup classes (7 schools) and hybrid model classes (5 schools) – combining online classes and face-cleanup-to-face-cleanup activities to serve students who live further away from the schools served.