feature story Microscope donated by Chevron Brasil is delivered to IPPMG/UFRJ

The advanced pediatric laboratory for cancer diagnosis of Martagão Gesteira Childcare and Pediatrics Institute (IPPMG), located in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), is already using the fluorescence microscope donated by Chevron Brasil. Equipped with analysis systems and reagents, the new equipment is added to another existing microscope to accomplishment analysis of exams at the appropriate time.

The donation is part of Chevron’s social investment program focused in the health area. “This initiative is an example of our commitment to the communities where we operate, and reinforces our interest in continuing to develop actions in this area”, says Patrícia Pradal, Chevron Business Development and Corporate Affairs Manager.

Currently, the laboratory carries out 520 diagnostic examinations and follow-ups per year, attending 160 patients with leukemias, lymphomas and some solid tumors. With the new microscope, the capacity to perform tests will be doubled and the unity will also be able to serve other public pediatric hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. Today, in addition to the IPPMG hospital, the unity serves the Federal hospitals of  Lagoa, Servidores do Estado and São José do Avaí.

“This donation was a huge gain for the laboratory due to the great limitation we had to analyze the requests for exams that arrived here. These analyses are key to make an accurate diagnosis or treatment adjustments”, explains Elaine Sobral da Costa, Laboratory Coordinator. 

In addition to the  cancer identification, the microscope can also be used to diagnose inherited genetic changes such as Down syndrome and Turner syndrome.

“It is very gratifying for us to be able to contribute to the laboratory, which does an important work in the diagnosis of childhood cancer and other diseases in the state of Rio de Janeiro”, says Charles Guerra, Chevron Policy and Government Relations Coordinator.

For being linked to UFRJ, the laboratory is an important research and training center and national reference in the development of new strategies for diagnosis and monitoring of childhood cancer. With the increase of the service capacity, the unity will be able to train new qualified professionals in the area and the expectation is to create, in the medium term, the first laboratory training course for pediatric cancer.