supplier opportunities

building local partnerships for a stronger future

Chevron employees walking together

Chevron policies, strategies and business relationships are based in the company values. They guide our actions to business development in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. We respect the law and universal human rights to benefit the communities where we work. Investing in our suppliers helps foster local economic development and meet our business needs around the world.

In Brazil, we work hard to ensure that opportunities for local suppliers are available. Within our projects, we consider – and where is possible give preference to – the use of Brazilian labor, services and materials when price, quality, delivery and service are equal to or better than other alternatives.

We look for partnerships with suppliers committed to Brazil, providing local economic growth and creating value to our business and to the community.

what we look for in our suppliers

We value companies with the following qualities:

  • Excellent safety record
  • Demonstrable capability and deliverability experience
  • Best practices in compliance
  • Cost efficiency
  • Financial viability
  • Competitive pricing
  • Customer focus
  • Innovative business and technology solutions

If you are interested in being one of our suppliers, register your company in our Supplier Database.